Community Causes


Did you know that, at this very moment, right here in our community, thousands of children are going hungry, entire families don’t have a roof above their heads, women are being battered in their own homes, and animals are suffering without care? And those are just a few of the issues that we truly have a heart for here in our agency. Not because we are philanthropists, but because we are NEIGHBORS.


We know we can offer some relief through our agency’s operations, and so here we are. We ask for referrals because for EACH quote, we offer to make a donation to someone in need. We are not afraid of rejection simply because lives depend on our courage. We will not be stopped by judgment because we understand the work that needs to be done cannot wait for one single giving season each year. Our mission is to make our community’s well-being part of our JOB – every day, year-round.


If we are so passionate about protecting YOU (and we are), we really couldn’t leave out the people who are around you, could we? After all, YOU ARE COMMUNITY!


That’s why we volunteered to become part of the national #AgentsofChange movement, which now empowers our agency’s own Community Cause Program to carry the flag of hope, relief and opportunity for local folks facing a tough time.



We believe we can have all of our campaigns SOLELY FUNDED BY OUR AGENCY… by simply REWARDING YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS. Of course, donations can be made directly to supported organizations, but we are happy to use our own agency’s money and do that on your behalf, instead!



We know our hearts are not the only ones to break when made aware of real people going through real suffering not too far from us. And we sure can do much to change things for them. We look forward to together, helping our community live well and thrive!


July 30, 2024

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States. At Eberle Insurance, we’ve decided to extend our support to breast cancer victims and survivors in our community and beyond! Doing so, we hope to be making a positive impact on the lives of those we love—our mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, and […]

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April 26, 2024

Did you know that breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women in the United States? At Eberle Insurance, our commitment lies in assisting our community and supporting those in need. Thinking about our mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, and loved ones, we want to make a positive impact on their future. We […]

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April 26, 2023

At Eberle Insurance, we are devoted to providing assistance to our community and aiding those in need. That is why we are so pleased to back the Susan G Komen Foundation, an organization devoted to battling breast cancer and aiding those affected by the illness. We understand that breast cancer can be a devastating diagnosis, […]

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January 31, 2023

At Eberle Insurance, we believe in extending our support to our community and helping those in need. That’s why we’re so proud to support the Susan G Komen Foundation, an organization dedicated to fighting breast cancer and providing support for those affected by the disease. We understand that breast cancer can be a devastating diagnosis, and we […]

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October 25, 2022

Breast cancer continues to be the most frequent type of cancer in women in the United States. This is why investing in treatments and prevention is so crucial to all of us. The American Cancer Society estimates that breast cancer claims the lives of almost 41,000 women each year! We care about protecting the future […]

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July 27, 2022

Did you know that breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women in the United States? This is the reason why cancer research for cure and prevention is so important to us all. According to the American Cancer Fund, more than 41,000 women will die from breast cancer this year. Thinking about […]

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A Cause Worth Fighting For!

April 26, 2022

Breast cancer is a serious public health emergency in our community and beyond.  According to WHO, in the United States, 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, and estimates indicate that breast cancer is responsible for around 40,000 deaths each year. These statistics are frightening and we believe it’s […]

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Breast to be Prepared!

January 27, 2022

Breast cancer, like all cancers, is a genetic disease, caused by a lesion in the genetic material of cells in the breast which are called mutations that causes cells to multiply at random and without control forming tumors in the breast. These tumors can clog blood vessels and spread to other organs, putting the patient’s […]

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Getting Ahead of the Curve

October 26, 2021

When it comes to cancer it is the one thing that could completely derail one’s life and send ripple effects to the lives of many surrounding individuals. It is estimated that among American women, there will be nearly 300,000 new cases of breast cancer leading to an estimated 43,600 breast cancer death. While sometimes it […]

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Arkansas Families Battling Cancer Need Support!

July 26, 2021

For 39 years The Ronald McDonald House has been helping families by providing a “home away from home” for them while their ill or injured children receive medical care. We believe in keeping families together, and together we can make it happen. The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Arkansas has the heart to care for […]

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Give a Little to Help Advocate for the Children of Arkansas

January 25, 2021

Children are now stuck at home in disparaging relationships with parents or guardians and they are suffering the consequences. All the social distancing and financial pressures could potentially be putting children at a greater risk of abuse during this time. Everyone is home and the people that are mandated by law to report signs of […]

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Help Us Educate, Advocate, and Eradicate Breast Cancer!

October 29, 2020

In Arkansas, approximately 2,410 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year and 490 women will die from it. 65% of breast cancers in Arkansas are diagnosed at the local stage. What can we do to help? The Eberle Insurance Agency is committed to helping the Susan G Komen Foundation educate, advocate, and eradicate. […]

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Refer A Friend And Feed The Kids

July 30, 2020

Today, 1 in every 4 children struggles with hunger in the state of Arkansas. This is why our agency is proudly partnering with the Feed Arkansas Kids organization, and helping out their efforts in raising funds to provide weekend meals to poverty-stricken children in the state. Many people are unaware of the fact that some […]

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Changing Communities, One Meal At A Time

March 27, 2020

Did you know that 1 in 5 Arkansans do not know where their next meal is coming from? Also, 1 in 5 children in Arkansas struggle with food insecurity. Many of these families depend on school lunch to feed their children and are now conflicted due to schools having to close down due to COVID-19. […]

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Arkansas Angels

September 26, 2019

  We are proud to announce that we are partnering with The Arkansas Angels, a nonprofit organization dedicated to celebrating the lives of individuals with special needs. We will be raising funds to support this amazing non-profit whose mission is to promote inclusion by showcasing the beauty and worth of every Angel, no matter the […]

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Eberle Insurance Agency Joins Agents Of Change Movement

June 27, 2019

Eberle Insurance Agency is dedicated to impacting our community by doing what we can to help others Live Well and Thrive. We are committed to being Agents of Change. Every 90 days we will be identifying a child, family, or group that could use a hand. A great number of people are going through hardship, even as you […]

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