Getting Ahead of the Curve

When it comes to cancer it is the one thing that could completely derail one’s life and send ripple effects to the lives of many surrounding individuals. It is estimated that among American women, there will be nearly 300,000 new cases of breast cancer leading to an estimated 43,600 breast cancer death. While sometimes it may seem like an inevitable fact of life for some, it’s still extremely important to raise awareness of the importance of regular check-ups and other vital preventative practices to get ahead of the curve.

Foundations such as the Susan G. Korment Foundation serve as an oasis for anyone seeking information, a helpline, general inquires, or even treatment assistance. Not only do they provide valuable information/resources backed by data and research but they also provide a safe haven for people struggling with breast cancer currently. Additionally, the foundation provides an avenue for those interested in contributing to the cause via donations, becoming a partner, and corporate events such as DIY fundraising and walks/races. 

This is a topic that is near and dear to our hearts here at Eberle Insurance which is why we’ve teamed up with them and agreed to contribute to the issue by making it the focus of the new Community Cause campaign. We’ve dedicated to contributing $10 in your name for each person you recommend to us who receives a no-obligation quote.

To Make a Donation Directly CLICK HERE
