A Cause Worth Fighting For!

Breast cancer is a serious public health emergency in our community and beyond.  According to WHO, in the United States, 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, and estimates indicate that breast cancer is responsible for around 40,000 deaths each year. These statistics are frightening and we believe it’s time to do something about it!

“I was healthy, and active, and did not see this coming”. “I had no emotions as I didn’t know what to think.” “My first thought was that I have two young boys, who need me, and it’s going to take a lot more than cancer to take me away from them.” These are just some words of cancer survivors who were diagnosed with breast cancer and were helped by Susan G Komen.

While we sometimes take our health for granted, there are those who are waiting to spend just one normal day with their families and friends. One without any hospital visits or depressing symptoms that drain your energy. This is a topic that is near and dear to our hearts here at Eberle Insurance which is why we’ve teamed up with them and agreed to contribute to the issue by making it the focus of our Community Cause campaign initiative.

We will continue to get behind the efforts of our local Susan G. Korment Foundation branch as they carry on their operations and serve as a beacon of hope for women by offering a helpline, guidance with general inquiries, or even treatment assistance at local clinics and hospitals. We will donate $10 on behalf of every person who comes to us for a non-obligation insurance quote by your recommendation.


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